Hello Reader Yesterday I sent out a newsletter confirming that the next Writers Support Group takes place on 28 November (at 12.30 and 6pm UK). Someone gently pointed out that I have previously suggested, somewhere or other, that it would take place on 21 Nov. Aaargh. . [ Flintoff takes a breath. ] . Sorry for the muddle. . Where possible (not December, what with Christmas) I'd like to stick to the Fourth Thursday each month. So please join me on 28th November. ​ BUT as it happens I was already thinking of doing an extra, themed session on 21 November. A writer friend has done an extraordinary job building his audience over recent months, and I’ve gathered lots of material about that, which I'd like to share with you on Zoom. I strongly believe it would be useful to anyone who needs to build a platform (which of us doesn't?). I also strongly suspect that when I tell you who my friend is you might say, “Oh, but he’s different." I welcome those objections, because they give me a chance to think whether they’re true or not. . To recap I do hope you’ll join me for that one-off, <60 min session about my writer friend building his audience. It’s on 21 November, and only at 12.30pm UK. Then a week later there’s the Writers Support group: 28 November (12.30pm and 6pm UK). ​ PS. If you DON'T want logistical notifications about the Writers Support Group, but you still want to hear about Special Projects, please let me know and I’ll remove you from this list. ​ |
📖 7 Books in 16 languages 📚 including: How To Change The World A Modest Book About How To Make An Adequate Speech.
This woman, in this room? Unimaginable just four years ago. She was in prison, in Iran. And - more trivially - I couldn’t have dreamed that I would be doing a solo show of my art. (Hello Reader. This is my newsletter.) You may recall that in 2021 Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s husband Richard went on hunger strike outside the Foreign Office in London. He was protesting at the UK government’s failure to get his wife released. I went to see him. I wasn’t on assignment or anything. It was just me,...
A weird thing happened after I booked the venue for my solo art show: blood drained from my fingers, turning them yellow. They tingled painfully. I took photos to show my wife: After an hour, the blood rushed back and the fingertips went purple. (Hello Reader. This is my newsletter.) If you don’t know already, I’m doing my first-ever solo art show, at a gallery in Hampstead. I’ve loved it, but also panicked a lot. I think that must explain the fingertip thingy. Tomorrow is the last day....
I got some terrific replies to yesterday’s email. Thank you for being so kind, and funny, and wise. I’ve done a lot of the things I need to do. Other things will simply have to remain undone. I’m taking the pictures to Burgh House shortly, where I’ll probably write a description of them all by hand and stick that on the wall too. I may make some videos, probably for my Instagram, but who can tell. Great News This morning I received a Whatsapp message from K., a reader of this newsletter who...