Writers Support Group - DATE!

Hello Reader

Yesterday I sent out a newsletter confirming that the next Writers Support Group takes place on 28 November (at 12.30 and 6pm UK).

Someone gently pointed out that I have previously suggested, somewhere or other, that it would take place on 21 Nov.



[ Flintoff takes a breath. ]


Sorry for the muddle.


Where possible (not December, what with Christmas) I'd like to stick to the Fourth Thursday each month.

So please join me on 28th November.


BUT as it happens I was already thinking of doing an extra, themed session on 21 November.

A writer friend has done an extraordinary job building his audience over recent months, and I’ve gathered lots of material about that, which I'd like to share with you on Zoom.

I strongly believe it would be useful to anyone who needs to build a platform (which of us doesn't?).

I also strongly suspect that when I tell you who my friend is you might say, “Oh, but he’s different."

I welcome those objections, because they give me a chance to think whether they’re true or not.


To recap

I do hope you’ll join me for that one-off, <60 min session about my writer friend building his audience. It’s on 21 November, and only at 12.30pm UK.

Then a week later there’s the Writers Support group: 28 November (12.30pm and 6pm UK).


PS. If you DON'T want logistical notifications about the Writers Support Group, but you still want to hear about Special Projects, please let me know and I’ll remove you from this list.


John-Paul Flintoff

📖 7 Books in 16 languages 📚 including: How To Change The World A Modest Book About How To Make An Adequate Speech.

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