Actually I feel quite sick suddenly

Sorry, I know it’s COMPLETELY unacceptable to send out a newsletter just 15 minutes after the last one - but the fact is that I’m feeling really nervous right now.


I’ve got 24 hours to get all my magnolia pictures together - I keep remembering new ones.

Then decide which ones to show at the gallery - private view is TOMORROW - and which ones to leave out.

I need to make a list of them all, with prices, and write something about "Me, The Artist”.

Then make printed copies of it all to hand out to anyone who comes to the gallery.

AND set up a web page so people can look closely at each picture before buying, with purchase buttons and links etc for each picture.

And and and...!

There are four prints still to collect from the fine art print specialist in East London which means a long Tube journey this afternoon.

I’ve run out of picture frames - and the shop I rely on has run out too.

(But anyway I wish I had used better frames in the first place, to make the beautiful prints look more beautiful, and it’s too late.)


I really want this exhibition to go well and I’m panicking.


What have I done?


(I’m sending this just to hold myself accountable - and keep myself honest. Not asking you to DO anything. If you do happen to reply, thank you, but I may be burying my head in sand for a bit.)



UPDATE (the next day): I got some really terrific replies to this, thank you for being so kind, and funny, and wise.



John-Paul Flintoff

đź“– 7 Books in 16 languages đź“š including: How To Change The World A Modest Book About How To Make An Adequate Speech.

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