
John-Paul Flintoff

A lilac for you

Published 28 days ago • 1 min read

Greetings Reader

Have you stopped on a pavement, recently, to take a whiff of a neighbour's lilac?

I recommend it. I wish you could smell the one on Crewys Road, between me and Childs Hill Park.

It looks a bit like this:

In other news:

  1. ​Using pictures to develop stories.
  2. I asked a recent International Booker Prize winner if I could do his portrait, along the lines of this one. He seems willing.
  3. ​Magnolia prints now available. (These prints are - well, gosh, they'd make your room look simply marvellous.)


Anyone who buys a magnolia print this week will ALSO get a hand-drawn A6 (postcard sized) pic of lilacs.
​Offer ends at 11.59pm next Tuesday 23 April.


Thank you for looking.

Till next time.


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John-Paul Flintoff

Hello!, thanks for popping in. I'm a writer, illustrator and performer.

📖 7 Books in 16 languages 📚 including: How To Change The World A Modest Book About How To Make An Adequate Speech.

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